A Thanksgiving full of “Thank you’s”

If I had to list all of the things I am thankful for, we would be here awhile, so to save you (the reader) some time I’ll share my top three. The first thing that I am thankful for is my family and friends. I simply could not live without them. They bring me so much joy, happiness, fun, and comfort into my life. I love all of them. Also school without each and everyone of my friends would be horrible. Another thing that I am thankful for is my home. I love my home, it brings me so many good memories, and I can’t imagine myself ever living anywhere else (while I’m still a kid). My third and final thing that I’m am thankful for are animals. Animals bring so much joy to the world, and they are just too pure for this world. They also contribute to the reason why Earth is still running. Us humans could not live without animals.

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